Yamaha DM3D

4 aanbieders
  • Packs 22 channels into an ultra-compact digital mixer: 16 mono channels, 1 stereo channel, and 2 stereo FX returns
  • 9-inch touchscreen and single all-purpose touch-and-turn knob provide easy operation and navigation
  • Capable of sampling rates as high as 96kHz
  • 6 mono or 3 stereo mixes, 2 matrixes, and 1 stereo bus
  • 16 outstanding mic preamps and 8 convenient analog outputs
  • Excellent built-in DSP effects
  • 16 x 16 Dante interface supplies loads of room for expansion
  • 18 x 18 USB audio interface for playback and recording
  • 2 x 2 recording directly to a USB drive
  • DAW remote mode with transport control
  • Custom control via OSC, USB-MIDI, and Yamaha's powerful ProVisionaire software applications
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